3 Days Biking - West Kilimanjaro to Arusha National Park


The West Kilimanjaro plains are a region in northern Tanzania san comprising of both Maasai community lands and Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs). The region comprises of acacia woodland and open plains that support a remarkable variety of wildlife and spectacular views of Mt. Kilimanjaro. The most common animals in the area include wildebeest, zebra, gazelles, impalas, giraffes and baboons. Depending on the time of year, elephants are a very common sight given the region lies along an elephant corridor linking Kenya’s Amboseli’s National Park & Mt. Kilimanjaro. This region is home to the nomadic Maasai herdsmen who co-exist with the surrounding wildlife hence the term Maasai Land. Given the rich culture of the Maasai people and the variety of wildlife, a cycling tour in this area is ideal for those discerning travelers looking for an unforgettable off-the-beaten-path adventure experience comprising of walking, photography, culture and scenery.


Duration: 3 Days / 2 Nights

Difficulty: Moderate

Path: Dirt & Gravel Road

Total Distance: 71km

Highlights: Abundant Wildlife, Maasai Culture, Amazing Scenery


Day 1: Transfer To Simba Farm Then Cycle To Olpopongi Maasai Village     

You will be transferred from your hotel in Moshi to Simba Farm where you will start your bike tour. Your cycle today starts with a downhill slope through the farm as you head toward the main rough road. You follow the main rough road through the. Ngare Nairobi village and cycle along the Ndarakwai Conservancy border towards the West Kilimanjaro airstrip. You then follow the main dirt road towards the Tinga. Tinga village. Your cycle today will end at the Olpopongi Maasai Village where you will be spending the night. Upon arrival at the Olpopongi Maasai Village you will be welcomed by a traditional Maasai dance and before having lunch and settling into your Maasai-hut style rooms. You will engage in a Maasai cultural tour in the evening before ending your day by enjoying a great dinner around a bonfire.

Distance covered: 28km

Meals: Lunch & Dinner Included

Day 2: Cycle From Olpopongi Maasai Village To Ngabobo Village    

Today we will start off cycling early in the morning and proceed south towards the Ngabobo Village. An early start is good to ensure you cover enough distance before the sun comes out. Today’s path is very interesting as you will be cycling through the dry and arid open grasslands, an environment completely different from the lush, green slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro which you have left behind. Wildlife such as wildebeest, giraffes, zebra and elands can be seen in the morning when you start cycling. Today’s route will shorter but a bit more challenging due to the terrain and weather. The final part of the path is a gradual ascent on gravel road as you cycle through the Ngabobo Village towards the lodge. Today you will be spending the night at the Maasai Lodge.

Distance covered: 21km

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Included

Day 3: Cycle From Ngabobo Village To Arusha National Park     

Today’s route takes us to a new vegetation zone as we leave the arid zone and proceed towards the greener slopes of Mt. Meru. The slope is a gentle ascent through gravel road as we head towards Momella near Arusha National Park. You will cycle through streams of water flowing down the slopes of Mt.Meru as you head towards the village of Ngare Nanyuki. You will cycle through this lively small village towards Arusha National Park. As you approach the park you, you might be lucky enough to see several giraffes along the way. Your route today ends at the Momella Wildlife Lodge, on the edge of the national park. After resting a bit at the lodge, you will then be transferred back to your hotel in Moshi.

End of Tour

Safari Includes

  • Park entrance fees
  • Mountain Guide (Extra hired bike)
  • Professional guide
  • Quality, waterproof, four-season private mountain sleeping tents
  • Full board accommodation on sharing basis
  • 1 liter of water per person per day
  • Excursion as per the itinerary
  • Quality Mess tents with table and chairs

Safari Excludes

  • Beverages and alcoholic drinks
  • Guides, Porters, Cook & Waiters tips. (Tip to your guides, porters and cook. The recommended for this is $ 20 head guide per day, $ 15 per assistant guide per day, $ 15 per cook per day & $ 10 per porter per day)
  • Items of personal nature
  • Telephone bills
  • Medical insurance
  • Your flights/Visas